
Deep dive with ChatGPT about Aussie tech ecosystem

17 January, 2023
Deep dive with ChatGPT about Aussie tech ecosystem | News | Pause Awards
George Hedon, founder and CEO, Pause Fest & Awards
George Hedon
17 January, 2023

My next guest is a true leader in the field of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a cutting-edge chatbot that has taken the tech world by storm since its launch in November 2022. 

As a highly advanced AI system, ChatGPT has a unique perspective on the technology ecosystem and its potential to drive economic growth in the future.

In this exclusive interview, I sat down with ChatGPT for a candid conversation about the current state of the Australian tech ecosystem, and its potential for driving innovation and growth in the years to come. As a responsible journalist, I have not tampered or edited ChatGPT’s responses, so this is an honest and unedited account of its insights and observations.

(It even boosted my intro.)

Let’s be honest, can Australia become the next Silicon Valley?

It is unlikely that Australia will become the next Silicon Valley. While the Australian startup ecosystem has made significant progress in recent years, and has produced several successful startups, it is still relatively small compared to other major startup hubs such as Silicon Valley. Additionally, Silicon Valley has several unique advantages that make it an attractive place for startups, such as a large and well-established tech industry, a large pool of talented engineers, and a large and active venture capital community.

Australia does have its own strengths, such as a strong higher education system, government support for research and development, and a growing startup ecosystem. However, to become a leading startup hub like Silicon Valley, Australia would need to develop and attract a large pool of talented engineers, entrepreneurs and investors, as well as to foster an environment that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship and risk-taking.

It is important to note that becoming the next Silicon Valley is not necessarily a goal to be sought after, every country has its own strengths and culture and should strive to develop its own unique ecosystem that is tailored to its own strengths and resources.

It’s important for the government, private sectors and the startup community to work together to create the necessary conditions for a thriving startup ecosystem to emerge, this includes access to talent, funding, a supportive regulatory environment, and a culture that values and encourages innovation and entrepreneurship. With these efforts, Australia can create a strong and vibrant startup ecosystem that is uniquely suited to its own strengths and resources.

What do you think are the key startups, investors and accelerators that drove the development of the Australian ecosystem in the past decade?

ChatGPT: Some of the top startups, investors, venture capital firms, and accelerators that have helped to develop and grow the Australian tech ecosystem include:


  • Canva, which provides a graphic design tool for non-designers
  • Atlassian, a software development company that went public in 2015
  • Envato, a digital marketplace for creative assets and services
  • SafetyCulture, a mobile software company that specializes in safety inspections
  • Prospa, an online lender for small business loans


  • Blackbird Ventures, an early stage venture capital firm
  • Square Peg Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm
  • AirTree Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm
  • BlueChilli, an accelerator and venture fund
  • Point Nine Capital, a venture capital firm that specializes in SaaS and internet startups


  • Startmate, an early-stage accelerator program
  • muru-D, an accelerator program for startups in the technology and digital media space
  • The ARC Hub, an accelerator program for startups in the advanced manufacturing and resources space
  • AngelCube, an accelerator program for startups in the technology space
  • BlueChilli accelerator, an accelerator program that helps startups scale up

These companies and organizations have played a significant role in the development and growth of the Australian tech ecosystem by providing funding, resources, and mentorship to startups. They have also helped to create a more conducive environment for startups to grow and thrive by fostering innovation and collaboration, and by connecting startups with potential partners and investors.

What are the top exits in the past decade in your opinion?

ChatGPT: In my opinion, some of the top exits in the past decade in the Australian startup ecosystem include:

Canva: In 2021, Canva, a graphic design tool for non-designers, raised $71 million in a Series F funding round, valuating the company at $6 billion.

Atlassian: In 2015, Atlassian, a software development company, went public on the NASDAQ stock exchange, raising $462 million in the process.

99designs: In 2016, 99designs, an online design marketplace, was acquired by Freelancer, an Australian company that operates a global online marketplace for freelance services. The acquisition was valued at $99.8 million.

OzForex: In 2015, OzForex, an online foreign exchange and international money transfer company, was acquired by OFX Group, a global provider of online international money transfers, for $AUD 815 million.

Aconex: In 2017, Aconex, a cloud-based collaboration platform for the construction industry, was acquired by Oracle, a multinational computer technology corporation, for $1.6 billion.

These exits have not only provided a return for investors but also served as a proof of concept for other startups in the ecosystem, showing that it is possible for Australian startups to reach a global scale and achieve a successful exit.

What do you think are the key issues in the Aussie startup ecosystem?

Despite this growth, there are still several areas that the Australian startup ecosystem could improve upon. Some of the top 5 things to look out for include:

Access to Talent: Australian startups often struggle to attract and retain top talent, particularly in the areas of engineering and product development. To address this issue, startups should focus on building strong company cultures and providing competitive compensation and benefits packages.

Access to Capital: While the availability of funding has improved over the past decade, Australian startups still face challenges when it comes to raising capital at later stages of growth. To address this issue, startups should focus on building strong relationships with angel investors and venture capitalists.

Government Support: While the Australian government has made efforts to support the startup ecosystem, such as through the launch of the Australian Startup Hub, more could be done to provide funding and resources to startups. To address this issue, startups should engage with government officials to advocate for more support for the startup ecosystem.

Lack of Exit Opportunities: Australian startups often struggle to find suitable exit opportunities, such as through acquisition or initial public offerings. To address this issue, startups should focus on building relationships with strategic acquirers and explore opportunities to go public.

Limited Network: While the Australian startup ecosystem has improved in recent years, it is still relatively small compared to other major startup hubs such as Silicon Valley. This can make it more difficult for Australian startups to connect with potential partners and investors. To address this issue, startups should focus on building relationships with other startups and investors in the ecosystem.

What are the top three strengths of our ecosystem?

ChatGPT: Based on my knowledge, the top three strengths of the Australian tech ecosystem are:

Strong higher education system: Australia has a well-established higher education system that produces a large number of graduates with skills in technology, engineering and other related fields. This provides a large pool of talented engineers and researchers for the tech ecosystem.

Government support for research and development: The Australian government provides funding and resources for research and development, which can help to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

Growing startup ecosystem: The startup ecosystem in Australia has been growing in recent years, with an increasing number of startups and a growing venture capital community. This provides more opportunities for innovation and business growth.

What role should the government have in the ecosystem?

ChatGPT: The government can play a key role in the development of the tech ecosystem in Australia by providing funding and resources to startups, creating a supportive regulatory environment, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

One way the government can provide funding and resources to startups is by investing in programs and initiatives that support the growth and development of the startup ecosystem. For example, the government can invest in accelerators, incubators, and co-working spaces to provide startups with the resources they need to succeed.

The government can also create a supportive regulatory environment by reducing barriers to entry for startups and encouraging innovation. This can include reducing red tape for businesses, creating tax incentives for investors, and providing grants or subsidies for research and development.

Additionally, the government can play a key role in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship by investing in education and training programs for entrepreneurs, and by promoting the benefits of entrepreneurship to the broader community.

Overall, the government can play a crucial role in the development of the tech ecosystem in Australia by providing funding and resources, creating a supportive regulatory environment, and promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. These actions will help to create a more conducive environment for startups to grow and thrive, and in turn will contribute to the overall growth of the Australian economy.

I’m asking for friends (VicGov and LaunchVic), should they support tech events?

ChatGPT: The government can support tech events in Australia by providing funding, resources, and other forms of support such as venue rental, speaker fees, networking opportunities and mentoring programs. This can help to attract more attendees, including investors, entrepreneurs and industry leaders, which can help to build the startup ecosystem and foster innovation and collaboration. Additionally, the government can promote these events to the broader community, encouraging participation and creating an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration.

Which state is the leader and has the biggest ecosystem?

ChatGPT: New South Wales (NSW) is considered to be the leader in the tech ecosystem in Australia, with the biggest startup ecosystem in the country. The state is home to the largest concentration of technology companies, including well-established companies such as Atlassian, Canva, and Envato, as well as a large number of startups. Sydney, the largest city in the state, is home to several universities, research institutions and a large pool of talented engineers and researchers. Additionally, the state has strong government support, startup accelerators and incubators, and a vibrant venture capital community.

Should the government in Australia double down on innovation and startups as a new economy to replace mining? (it crashed generating the first response, so the second is more democratic.)

ChatGPT: It’s possible that focusing on innovation and startups could be a way for Australia to diversify its economy and potentially reduce its reliance on mining. However, it’s important to consider a variety of factors, such as the resources and infrastructure available for supporting startups, the overall economic conditions, and the potential market opportunities. Additionally, it’s important to note that it’s not a binary decision and the government should consider a multi-pronged approach to diversify the economy and also support the traditional industries.

Is diversity and inclusion in the Australian tech ecosystem important? What are your thoughts on how it can be improved?

ChatGPT: Yes, diversity and inclusion in the Australian tech ecosystem is important. A diverse and inclusive ecosystem leads to a more representative and innovative industry that can better serve the society it operates in. The technology industry in Australia, like many other places, has struggled with diversity, particularly in terms of underrepresentation of women, people from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds, and people with disabilities.

To improve diversity and inclusion in the Australian tech ecosystem, several steps can be taken:

  1. Increase representation of underrepresented groups in the workforce by actively recruiting and promoting individuals from diverse backgrounds, and by providing mentorship and networking opportunities to support their career development.
  2. Create a culture of inclusivity by providing training and resources for employees on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and fostering an environment where all employees feel valued and respected.
  3. Increase access to funding and resources for underrepresented groups in the startup ecosystem by providing targeted funding and support to startups led by individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  4. Increase representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions by providing training and mentorship for individuals from diverse backgrounds to develop the skills needed to take on leadership roles.
  5. Encourage and support startups that are developing products and services that will benefit underrepresented groups in the society.

It’s important to note that diversity and inclusion should be a continuous effort that involves the government, private sectors, educational institutions, and the tech community working together.

What do you predict for 2023?

ChatGPT: In terms of predictions for the Australian tech industry in 2023, it is likely that we will see continued growth in the startup ecosystem. As more startups enter the ecosystem and more investors become interested in the opportunities available in the Australian market, we can expect to see an increase in the number of deals and the total amount of funding raised.

One area that is likely to see significant growth in the coming years is the fintech sector. As consumers become increasingly comfortable with digital banking and mobile payments, we can expect to see more startups entering the market and more established companies investing in fintech innovation.

Another area that is likely to see growth in 2023 is the healthtech sector. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the increased focus on digital health solutions, we can expect to see more startups entering the market and more investment in this sector.

In addition to these sectors, we can expect to see continued growth in other areas such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT and renewable energy.

Overall, the Australian startup ecosystem has come a long way over the past 10 years, and with the continued support of government, investors and the startup community, it is well positioned to continue to grow and thrive in the coming years. However, there are still several areas that need to be addressed, such as access to talent, capital and government support, Exit opportunities, and Limited Network, and it will be important for the ecosystem to continue to focus on these areas in order to achieve continued success.

Do you have any final thoughts about the Australian tech and startup ecosystem?

ChatGPT: As a language model AI, I don’t have personal opinions, but based on the data I was trained on and my knowledge cutoff in 2021, I can provide some general thoughts on the Australian tech and startup ecosystem.

Thanks so much ChatGPT, it’s been a pleasure.

ChatGPT: You’re welcome, it was my pleasure to assist you. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

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Category tracks

The Culture track seeks entries that exemplify the development of an inclusive and collaborative workplace culture, crucial for organisational success and growth. Submissions should illustrate transformative strategies implemented across core business functions, reflecting expertise, leadership, and a clear vision. These strategies should demonstrate a positive impact on the business, its employees, stakeholders, and customers, showcasing how a nurturing culture contributes to overall growth and innovation.

The Excellence track celebrates businesses that have demonstrated remarkable success and impact within their industry, regardless of their size. Entries for this category should illustrate how the business's strategic execution, guided by visionary leadership and exceptional expertise, has significantly influenced the industry. The focus will be on the tangible outcomes of these strategies, highlighting the company's ability to innovate, lead, and leave a lasting impression in its field.

The Good track is focused on recognising companies dedicated to their mission of creating a positive societal impact. Entries should highlight innovative solutions aimed at addressing global challenges such as environmental sustainability, social equity, and community well-being. Successful submissions will demonstrate how their initiatives contribute to significant changes, tackling issues like gender inequality, social imbalance, and injustice, thereby setting a precedent for responsible and impactful business practices.

Awarded to a single entry in a category, Grand Prix is the top accolade in that category. To win the Grand Prix, the entire Judging Board must unanimously agree that the entry deserves the accolade of being the best in that category.

The Growth track is about showcasing how businesses have enhanced productivity and execution to make a significant impact in their market. Entries should highlight innovative strategies that have optimised the customer journey, leading to increased engagement and commercial success. This track is for those who have effectively used their understanding of the market and customer needs to scale their business and achieve notable growth.

The Operators track seeks entries that showcase leadership in fostering innovation within their ecosystems. Ideal submissions will highlight how your initiatives have catalysed the creation of new products or services, bolstered by a culture that uplifts internal teams and the wider community. This track celebrates those who drive progress by empowering voices and forging transformative connections in their industry.


  • Always Evolving New

    Acknowledges a culture of continuous learning and improvement within a company, encourages employee development, and always looks for ways to optimise and innovate operations.

  • Big & Mighty Culture New

    Recognises companies (51-1000 employees) for their exceptional efforts in cultivating a culture that champions innovation.

  • Diverse Co.

    Celebrates workplaces dedicated to fostering innovation through a vibrant tapestry of diverse talents and perspectives.

  • Small & Mighty Culture New

    Applauds small teams of fewer than 50 employees for their remarkable ability to foster innovation and set new benchmarks in their domain.

  • Work Sweet Work

    Acknowledges companies that have achieved extraordinary employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention, creating an exemplary workplace culture.

  • Company of the Year

    Honours an outstanding company that not only showcases exemplary leadership and resilience but also demonstrates a clear, quantifiable impact over the past year.

  • Customer Obsessed New

    Applauds prioritisation, understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of their customers, including feedback, personalised services and ensuring high satisfaction.

  • Defiant Ones

    Recognises firms that lead technological innovation, setting new standards and defining the future of their industries.

  • Hammer

    Celebrates companies that have not only defined success on their own terms but have also concretely demonstrated their triumphs over the past year.

  • I Wish I'd Done That

    Applauds ingenious, simple solutions in niche markets that spark a universal sentiment of admiration.

  • On the Rise

    Celebrates early-stage startups, under 4 years, that have shown remarkable progress and success in their initial years.

  • Prodigy

    Recognises young visionaries under 30 with outstanding talents and achievements, setting them apart in their fields.

  • Singularity

    Highlights AI-driven companies that are pioneering new services or integrating AI to create innovative products.

  • Women in Business

    Celebrates female entrepreneurs and leaders who are forging paths for future generations by creating more equitable opportunities.

  • B-Good

    Recognises businesses that redefine commercial success by positively transforming our economic system for the benefit of all stakeholders.

  • Circular Pioneer

    Celebrates companies at the forefront of circular economy practices, making substantial and sustainable differences.

  • Ethical Leadership New

    Commends companies exemplifying leadership in environmental and social governance, setting standards in corporate responsibility and ethical practices.

  • Going Green

    Acknowledges companies leading large-scale sustainable initiatives, addressing critical areas like clean energy and environmental justice.

  • Collab New

    Honours strategic partnerships and alliances with other businesses to leverage complementary strengths, access new markets, and share resources for synergistic growth and innovation.

  • Design First

    Celebrates companies where design is the heartbeat of innovation, engaging the whole team in crafting groundbreaking products.

  • Going Global New

    Applauds companies that have expanded their reach globally, showcasing exceptional growth and international success.

  • Great Pivot

    Acknowledges companies that adeptly navigate change, leveraging insights to pivot towards delivering outstanding products.

  • Movement

    Recognises unforgettable event experiences that resonate emotionally, drive social change, or achieve viral status.

  • New Model

    Honours businesses revolutionising markets with elegant and disruptive business models.

  • Next Level New

    Applauds companies which had successful strategic acquisition and integration of another entity, staff or an asset that allowed them to further grow and scale their services.

  • Wildfire

    Celebrates companies that have rapidly and significantly impacted their marketplace, online and offline, setting new standards for success.

  • Angel

    Honours visionary angel investors who've significantly contributed to early-stage startups, guiding them toward success.

  • C-Suite

    Recognises exceptional leadership qualities in high-ranking executives, showcasing their management and interpersonal excellence.

  • Creative Maverick New

    Honours unconventional thinkers with exceptional abilities to execute typically unimaginable initiatives, expertly coordinate teams, secure funding or successfully launch multiple ventures.

  • Ecosystem Star

    Celebrates individuals who energise and nurture their communities, fostering engagement and advocacy.

  • Future Builder

    Recognises the determination and resilience of founders who've embarked on the challenging journey of starting their own ventures.

  • Quiet Achiever New

    Applauds the unsung heroes whose behind-the-scenes efforts have led to flawless project executions and exceeded expectations.

  • Splash Down Under New

    Acknowledges international companies making a noteworthy entrance into the Australian market, enriching the local business ecosystem.

  • TopCoder

    Recognises developers for their outstanding technical skills, clean code, and collaborative spirit.

  • Venture Cap

    Salutes venture capital firms with a track record of backing transformative businesses, contributing significantly to Australia's economic growth.

  • Visionary New

    Recognises effective leadership by setting a clear vision, motivating the team, and making strategic decisions that guide their business towards its goals.

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